Ecotech has almost two decades of experience building custom BI tools for industries as varied as Automobile, Manufacturing, Construction, Retail and Finance. We understand the balance every company needs between industry specific cookie cutter solutions and company specific customized ones. Correspondingly Ecotech works with you to deliver solutions that uniquely work for you.

Our Business Intelligence Offerings

  • Customized, meaningful, aesthetic dashboards & reports
  • Bring data from various legacy IT systems together
  • Study your business-at-a-glance, & deep-dive into areas that need your attention.
  • Automate your ‘last-mile’ reporting! No more manual processing of data dumps from ERP.

How Ecotech helped a leading Automobile Manufacturer to take business decisions quickly.

One of the world’s largest Automobile Manufacturer was aware of the power of data and had systems in place to acquire copious amounts of it. However, the team also recognized significant redundancies in their data acquisition methods. All data was manually acquired. Even with all the data collated, it took the management days to process the data and prepare reports.

We digitized the manual data entry processes by creating equivalent web based screens, connected to a powerful data warehouse and built extensive data models to process the data and calculate meaningful metrics. This reduced several man days that were previously being lost in just data acquisition which assisted the business to take decisions quickly.

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