Data Center Modernization

IT is under immense pressure to continually improve, scale, consolidate, and optimize application and other services delivery. The Data Center modernization mandate never ends: cheaper, faster, more secure, more features, higher availability, better performance, easier to use.

Because business can now go elsewhere (outside of the Data Center) to get the services they need, IT is being forced to meet line-of-business requests. How IT handles these demands and enables these groups, is the difference between long-term success and failure. New Data Center technologies are constantly hitting the market, but understanding the best approach to modernizing takes careful, strategic planning; technical experience; and IT operational knowledge.

We help IT organizations with Data Center modernization initiatives such as:

  • Technology refreshes & upgrades
  • Virtualization of the entire IT stack
  • Private & Public cloud enablement
  • Automation & orchestration initiatives
  • Capacity management
  • Network monitoring & alerting
  • Data management & storage

Data Center Relocation

An experienced Data Center Relocation Service provider can not only minimize the many risks involved, but can also work with you in gaining new efficiencies and preventing bottlenecks in the new location.

We follow a structured methodology to Data Center relocation:

  • Discovery
  • Analysis and Planning
  • Implementation

Data Center Consulting

Quality Data Center services need to ensure proper strategic alignment with your business to ensure the right solution. Our Data Center Consulting Services practice consists of experienced professionals dedicated to the task of identifying and understanding industry trends, evaluating technologies, reviewing products and defining the best business practices.

We leverage proven tools and diagnostics to produce actionable plans based on proven practices and targeted to your specific situation:

  • Thorough site survey and assessment
  • Gap/deficiency analysis
  • Current & Future requirements
  • ROI analysis
  • IT Operating & Management

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