Operational Efficiency is always a core agenda with process owners, SBU Heads and CEOs. When we engage with a customer usually there are micro-systems in place that are partly automated and party human resource dependent. In our experience this is usually the cause of chaos such as:

  • Data Duplication
  • Version Redundancies
  • Insufficient data for critical decision making.

Our strength lies in helping you deduce actionable insights without humongous capital investment or drastic changes in company culture.

Device Agnostic Data Acquisition

Be it sensors, RFID tags, ERPs or manual entry, Ecotech helps you capture relevant data seamlessly.

Areas of Expertise


Environmental Monitoring

A niche offering for environment consultants and local governing bodies. Ecotech helps you keep track of environmental markers to either prevent calamities or relocate people in advance in face of unavoidable ones.

Our IoT Offerings

Productivity Monitoring

  • Real-time production downtime notifications
  • Shop floor and on boards for visual management
  • Flexible production, quality & OEE metrics reporting
  • Routine summary reports through SMS/Email/Mobile
  • Broadcast successes immediately!

Process Monitoring

  • Real-time remote process tracking
  • Trigger based notifications to generate process warnings & alarms
  • Statistical process control

Remote Equipment & Service Tracking

  • Monitor human & equipment activity remotely
  • Equipment performance issue triggers alert immediate action
  • GPS tracking of equipment or human movement

Watch how Ecotech helped Eaton capture granular data to better manage their production.

Take a look at Ecotech’s flood warning system created for a Norwegian environment consulting company.

A leading Norwegian Company having expertise in Environmental Monitoring and Water and Wastewater Management wished to bring Sustainability through Real-Time Environmental Monitoring. It is very important to keep an eye out for floods and other environmental calamities. Our client works with local governing bodies, consultants and municipalities towards this end. In this particular case, the client needed us to design a cloud-based IoT System for real-time environmental monitoring as part of larger flood control systems.

We have built a system to keep track of, and acquire data from, different sensors installed across the country. Our system raises flood alarms as per pre-stipulated conditions, so that timely response can be taken by the authorities.

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