Vulnerability Assessment

With both network and web application components, vulnerability assessment services can identify critical system weaknesses in your organization. Ongoing vulnerability scans can help you meet compliance or contractual requirements or create and maintain peace of mind that the simple, low-hanging fruit on your Internet-facing network hosts and web applications is being discovered and addressed on a periodic and consistent basis.

Each assessment includes:

  • Manual analysis
  • Verification of vulnerabilities discovered
  • Prioritized remediation steps
  • Customized reporting
  • Remediation support

Ecotech offers a variety of consulting services to help your organization start secure and stay secure. Each of these consulting services can be customized to meet your organization’s cybersecurity needs by performing Infrastructure architecture review, Internal systems assessment, Social engineering (phishing) exercises, External network penetration testing, Web application penetration testing.

Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Consulting

An IT Disaster Recovery Plan is created to ensure a business and more specifically technology department can recover quickly and efficiently should they lose their data centre or have a major IT software or hardware failure.  Disaster Recovery is more than replication, planning to protect your data is crucial. You need to determine what data you need to access regularly, plan for availability, and determine solutions. It would seem that, given the costs involved in planning, testing and implementing a rational business continuance strategy, a great deal of importance would be placed on the people chosen to lead that effort, and provide expert guidance to the initiative.

A couple of activities that might help you conduct an evaluation of your BC/DR services:

  • Current State Assessments
  • Disaster Recovery Plans
  • Data Center & Core Technology Assessments
  • Disaster Recovery Gap & Impact Assessments
  • Systems Support Staffing/Outsourcing

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